<div class="flickerfreescreen" data-timestamp="1471054088083" id="flickerfreescreen_1"><table class="list-table" id="t57ae81946b8cb"><thead><tr><th class="cell- width">Timestamp</th><th>Value</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr class="nothing-to-show"><td colspan="2">No data found.</td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class="msg-bad"><div class="msg-details"><ul><li>Error in query [INSERT INTO profiles (profileid, userid, idx, value_int, type, idx2) VALUES (39, 1, 'web.item.graph.period', '3600', 2, 2'3297)] [You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''3297)' at line 1]</li><li>Error in query [INSERT INTO profiles (profileid, userid, idx, value_str, type, idx2) VALUES (40, 1, 'web.item.graph.stime', '20160813041028', 3, 2'3297)] [You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''3297)' at line 1]</li><li>Error in query [INSERT INTO profiles (profileid, userid, idx, value_int, type, idx2) VALUES (41, 1, 'web.item.graph.isnow', '1', 2, 2'3297)] [You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''3297)' at line 1]</li></ul></div><span class="overlay-close-btn" onclick="javascript: $(this).closest('.msg-bad').remove();" title="Close"></span></div>
latest.php?output=ajax&sid=&favobj=toggle&toggle_open_state=1&toggle_ids[]=15385);select * from users where (1=1
public static function calculateTime(array $options = array()) { if (!array_key_exists('updateProfile', $options)) { $options['updateProfile'] = true; } if (empty($options['profileIdx2'])) { $options['profileIdx2'] = 0; }
// show only latest data without update is set only period if (!empty($options['period']) && empty($options['stime'])) { $options['updateProfile'] = false; $options['profileIdx'] = ''; }
// period if (empty($options['period'])) { $options['period'] = !empty($options['profileIdx']) ? CProfile::get($options['profileIdx'].'.period', ZBX_PERIOD_DEFAULT, $options['profileIdx2']) : ZBX_PERIOD_DEFAULT; } else { if ($options['period'] < ZBX_MIN_PERIOD) { show_message(_n('Minimum time period to display is %1$s hour.', 'Minimum time period to display is %1$s hours.', (int) ZBX_MIN_PERIOD / SEC_PER_HOUR)); $options['period'] = ZBX_MIN_PERIOD; } elseif ($options['period'] > ZBX_MAX_PERIOD) { show_message(_n('Maximum time period to display is %1$s day.', 'Maximum time period to display is %1$s days.', (int) ZBX_MAX_PERIOD / SEC_PER_DAY)); $options['period'] = ZBX_MAX_PERIOD; } } if ($options['updateProfile'] && !empty($options['profileIdx'])) { CProfile::update($options['profileIdx'].'.period', $options['period'], PROFILE_TYPE_INT, $options['profileIdx2']); }
// last page if (!defined('ZBX_PAGE_NO_MENU') && $page['file'] != 'profile.php') { CProfile::update('web.paging.lastpage', $page['file'], PROFILE_TYPE_STR); }
// end transactions if they have not been closed already if (isset($DB) && isset($DB['TRANSACTIONS']) && $DB['TRANSACTIONS'] != 0) { error(_('Transaction has not been closed. Aborting...')); DBend(false); }